Lifting A New Outreach Arm — Jesus is Enough
Truth in Love Ministry currently carries out its mission of 1) Proclaiming Christ to Mormons and 2) Empowering Christians to witness through its two websites (TILM.org and BeYePerfect.org), international paid social media campaigns, regular email and organic social media engagement, and in-person and online presentations and training.
For a Time Such As This
We find ourselves at an extraordinary moment in Mormon outreach. There is a mass exodus of souls leaving the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Their reasons vary. Some have seen documentaries about where the teachings of Mormonism can lead. Others are exhausted by endless expectations. Still, others have searched online and uncovered troubling facts about LDS history. Some no longer believe in Joseph Smith or the Book of Mormon. Most have realized they can never find forgiveness, rest, a restored relationship with God, or eternal life in Mormonism.
Mormon leaders tell their people to put these issues on a shelf and doubt their doubts. They will find the answers they need after they die. But under the weight of so many doubts, Mormon shelves have begun to crack and break. Many are left examining the pieces wondering if anything is worth salvaging. These Mormons find themselves in a place in between, searching. They may no longer believe in (parts of) Mormonism but don't know what to believe any more; at the same time, they are afraid to leave behind their Mormon culture.
Thousands are standing at the door that leads away from Mormonism. Devastated and desperate, searching Mormons are easily deceived by new lies telling them there is no God. Unfortunately, many of these searching Mormons are listening to the anti-God messages promoted by a growing number of influential and outspoken ex-Mormon atheists, including the increasingly popular Mormon Stories video podcast and social media personalities like Ex-Mo Lex. These voices tell them, "Run from Joseph and run from Jesus. All religion is a lie. Make your own path. You are enough."
Because many searching Mormons listen to voices leading them away from Jesus, 70% of ex-Mormons abandon all religion and turn to atheism.
What if more voices pointed them to Jesus rather than away from him?
An Urgent Need to Reach Searching Mormons
Our ex-Mormon Christian friend Hailey recently spoke with us about the urgent need to reach in-between searching Mormons. When her shelf broke from years of unanswered questions, she was devastated. Hailey shared, "There was a short period when I had one foot in and one foot out the door of Mormonism. Thankfully, I had a Christian friend who stepped in and invited me to her church. Otherwise, I would have turned to atheism."
To seize these critical time-sensitive opportunities, we are developing a new arm of our ministry: Jesus Is Enough. Here we will focus on reaching the thousands of searching souls who don't know Jesus.
Hailey told us, "You must share stories of faith, hope, and life after and beyond Mormonism with searching Mormons. First, tell them stories of God's grace working in ex-Mormon lives. Then, get them into the Bible. That's how God will do his work to bring them into a trusting relationship with Jesus."
Sharing stories that proclaim the gospel is what Jesus Is Enough will do.
Through carefully curated and crafted long and short-form videos, ex-Mormon Christians will share the personal struggles they experienced in Mormonism and point to what they have now discovered in the Bible, that Jesus is enough. In addition to sharing stories proclaiming Christ, Jesus Is Enough will feature content explaining Biblical truths for those looking to go deeper and provide supporting resources for those navigating faith and life after Mormonism.
Another ex-Mormon Christian friend Cari emphasized the importance of sharing the Word of God with burdened and broken Mormons. She explains why she left Mormonism for Christ in the video below.
Why I Left Mormonism for Christ — Cari's Story
Lifting A New Outreach Arm
Our ex-Mormon friends are excited and encouraged by these plans for the launch of Jesus is Enough to reach searching Mormons. They are eager to share how God freed them from Mormonism's endless burdens to trust that Jesus is enough.
They have been praying that plans will get off the ground soon. God has answered prayers, and plans are coming together. Continued research and development are taking place, a production team is forming, and substantial funds are being raised to launch this new ministry arm.
The current goal is to launch the new Jesus Is Enough site in January 2024, with interview recordings beginning in the winter of 2023.
Please keep Truth in Love Ministry in your prayers and ask God to direct you in the ways you can join us to rescue souls trapped in Mormonism so that they are freed to trust in Christ's work alone.
Souls are abandoning Mormonism and don't know where to turn. You can help them discover that Jesus is enough.
To learn more, to get involved, or to support, visit https://tilm.org/jie/.
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